Bone Dust BBQ Rub
Today is my wedding anniversary (hurray!) If your wondering if I had pink hearts and rainbows for Valentines Day I didn’t. It was southern BBQ and it was absolutely amazing! BBQ sauce fountains and ribs, Baja coleslaw and twice baked potatoes… I could go on. Anyway I couldn’t think of a better day to share this delicious Bone Dust BBQ Rub recipe with you! Even if it only gets you thinking about Spring then I think its worth it.
If you were at our wedding than you already know how good this bone dust bbq rub is (unless your one of those people who left yours on the table, then you don’t…. you know who you are). I’ll never forget trying to multiply this recipe to 125 and mixing ridiculous amounts of spices in garbage bags, shaking them up in my kitchen, and nearly dying from the fumes. Shout out to all my bridesmaids who endured my madness!
In case your wondering I used old baby food jars and painted the lids, actually my husband (insert Aarons sigh here) painted the lids. Sorry, two become one haha! I found some cute fabric at a fabric store in Hamilton and voila Southern BBQ wedding favors for a fraction of what those ridiculous wedding stores would charge. If you don’t have access to baby jars then you could use these instead. You can literally put this stuff on anything and it tastes great!
BONE DUST BBQ RUB You can view the original recipe here!

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