Free Motivational Coupons For Kids
Coupons for Kids!
I love how these motivational coupons for kids turned out and I think you and your kids will too! If you’re like me than you’re probably running out of ways to motivate your kids… And if you’re not, than please just lie to me.
Alright, it’s time for a little honesty here. I’ve been losing it a little lately. Okay, I’ve been losing it a lot. We’re 3 weeks into our “quarantine” and I’ve come a long way from feeling like “this is the best thing that could ever happen to your family”. To put it nicely, s#!% is hitting the fan. I’ve got 4 kids all spread 5 years apart and the crying and the whining and the fighting and the snacks (my gosh the snacks) are sending me over the edge. I no longer enjoy living in my cracker barrel t-shirt and I just finished Netflix. Things that never used to irritate me are like nails on a chalkboard and if I hear my 6 year old scream like a baby one more time I might seriously lose my mind.
Things are stressing me out on the home front right now and I KNOW I need to take the reigns. I saw myself in a Facetime video the other day and legit almost had a heart attack. I knew it was bad but if you ever need some motivation to stop with the snacks just give yourself a call.
Needless to say I need to get control here. I need to take a minute, regather my thoughts, and get everyone on the same page. One thing I have learned in life is that when mom falls apart, everyone else falls apart with her. It just happens. I don’t know why, but moms are the glue that holds everything and everyone together and when she starts to crack, things begin to break down. That’s not to discredit dads, because they are amazing and strong and equally as important, but I think we can all agree that moms just have a way of holding everything in place.
Pull it together
So I’m pulling it together and ditching the Cracker Barrel t-shirt ( not forever though). I painted my nails, and finally put a flat iron to my unruly hair. Although I may not have anywhere to go, I can tell you it helped a lot. I put on some worship music, journaled my thoughts. I tried to figure out how I was going to make it through the next couple of months. And I quickly realized that I just needed to take a chill pill, and maybe you do too.
Listen, maybe you’re fine and you have everything under control, amazing. But if your stressing like me, let me just say, we don’t need to have all the answers. We don’t need to have a million groceries, our homes don’t need to be spotless, and no one expects our “classrooms” to be perfectly organized and decorated accordingly.
At the end of the day none of us saw this coming. Self isolating and homeschooling my kids was not on the calendar and we didn’t plan for any of it. There are no “how to survive a pandemic and homeschool your kids while working remotely” books on Amazon and we just don’t have all the answers. That’s okay! We all just need to remember to give ourselves some grace.
So, I’m taking a chill pill and trying my best to stay positive. My kids need me to and I need me too, and I’m letting go of the ridiculous standards that I somehow put on myself and taking it one day at a time.
Our kids need a win
My friend Meaghan Dawson recently wrote an article for the Grit and Grace Project that really stuck with me. It was titled “Moms, you know when your kids need a win.” And while it’s not the exact same scenario here, the concept is the same. Our kids need a win. They have been through an enormous change and it’s easy to get so caught up in our own stress and uncertainty that we forget to take a minute and remember that their world has been tossed upside down too. That they are also dealing with loss and confusion.
That’s why these free printable motivational coupons for kids are so great. It’s an easy way to remind them that we’re paying attention and that we recognize the hard work they are doing. They are a fun way to encourage quality family time together and I know your kids are going to love them.
These coupons for kids are going to bring some much needed fun into your home and I’ve chosen activities that are perfect for “self isolating.” Of course they can be used anytime though!
Some activities include
- Get out of a chore
- Stay up 30 minutes past bedtime
- Dinner and dessert of your choice
- 1 hour of 1 on 1 time with mom or dad
- 30 minutes of extra screen time
- Family movie night of your choice
- Backyard Picnic
- Choosing an item to add to the grocery list
These are just to name a few. You can print the coupons on cardstock which is my preferred method (so they last longer), or you can print them out on regular paper and glue them onto colorful construction paper for even more fun! Or if you’re not trying to make more work for yourself just print them as is.
You can either hand them out strategically (let’s be honest, we might not be in the mood for some of them) or you can put them in a jar and have your child pick one. Either way your kids will love them almost as much as they will love cashing them in!
Free printable coupons for kids!
I’ll be updating the post with new coupons periodically so stay tuned for that and if you have any ideas for new ones that your kids would love let me know in the comments below!
Need a little dinner inspiration or some fun recipes to make with the kids?
Check these out!
Cookie Dots: A baking and learning adventure to enjoy while staying at home