Tricks & Treats For The Best Halloween At Home
I don’t think it’s a surprise to anyone that this Halloween is going to look different this year. But to be honest with you, I’m kind of excited about it. Which is why I couldn’t wait to share my Tricks & Treats For The Best Halloween At Home.
Now, some of you might be thinking woah woah woah, Halloween hasn’t even been cancelled yet, (unless of course you’re in L.A. and then this post is super timely for you) but I’m just going to go ahead and say that it probably will be and even if it isn’t, my kids won’t be participating. The whole idea of trick or treating at peoples houses with covid lurking around just freaks me out. That’s not to say we won’t be having THE BEST HALLOWEEN EVER though! Because we will be. And I am SUPER excited about it. Can’t you tell?
Halloween will look different this year, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be fun!
If you know me than you know I do Halloween right. We almost always have a massive party and order Jack-O-Lantern shaped pizzas, we drink copious amounts of hot chocolate with 40 creek liquor (adults only) and then hit the streets trying to keep track of the 30 plus kids in tow. It’s amazing and we love every bit of it. Okay, there was one year we set the driveway on fire with a faulty smoke machine and that wasn’t the greatest but everything else is fantastic. Just because Covid sucks and everything is different doesn’t mean we can’t have a good time. We’re not about to let it ruin our fun and you shouldn’t either. Halloween is on a Saturday this year which means we can start the celebrations early and make an entire day out of it! I can’t wait!!
Alright, here are my tricks and treats (that’s good isn’t it!) for having the best Halloween at home. Heck we’re going to have so much fun my kids may never trick or treat again. Don’t forget to dress up!
Okay, let’s get into it!
1. Have a campfire cookout
We recently converted our backyard gas fire pit to a wood burning firepit and we have been loving it! It’s been so much fun sitting around the fire roasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate, and I couldn’t think of a funner (yes I make up words) night than Halloween to have a campfire cookout. Y’all already know I’m all about the food and no Halloween campfire would be complete without roasting some mummy dogs over the fire, followed by a delicious Reese’s peanut butter or even better CARAMILK smore.
To make mummy dogs you need the following;
- campfire skewers
- hot dogs
- Pillsbury crescent rolls
- candy eyes
Place hot dogs onto campfire skewer and unroll the crescent rolls and press the perforated edges together. Cut the dough into 14 inch strips
Wrap the dough around the hotdogs and roast over the fire until cooked. Add candy eyes (if you can wait that long!) ENJOY!
Can’t have a campfire cookout? There are still lots of fun foods you can make at home like my JACK-O-LANTERN cheese burgers and my MONSTER KRISPIES for dessert! The point is, have fun with your food! You can check out lots of great Halloween Food options here!
2. Have a Halloween Candy Hunt
Another plus about having Halloween at home? You get to pick your own candy. No more nasty toffee’s at the bottom of the loot bag or licorice and lollipops. I’m talking bags of chocolate and chips. Pure joy. This year I will be buying a few boxes of my (yes my) favorite candy and hiding it around the house and yard. Who doesn’t love running around the house for chocolate? To be honest not having to spend the night outside in the freezing cold and almost always rain is sounding better and better. You know I’m right. If I am feeling really awesome, I may even do a little Halloween scavenger hunt too.
3. Play Some Fun Games
After stuffing your face with way to much chocolate there’s no doubt the kids will have some energy to burn off. Why not play some fun games. I’ve got my 7 year old here to help me with this one and here are some of his suggestions.
Bobbing For Apples
This is a classic fall game and kids absolutely love it. It requires nothing but a bucket of water, enough apples to fill the top and a bunch of kids (and adults) willing to get there face soaking wet. The object of the game is to try to get the apples using only your teeth. No hands aloud!
Mummy Wrap
All you need for this one is some toilet paper. Which may be hard to find… But if you have some to spare, this one is a big hit with the kids.
Break up into teams of two or more (you can also play individually) set a timer and whoever can wrap themselves in the most toilet paper before time runs out (and look like the best mummy) wins!
Halloween Balloon Stomp
This one might just be my favorite! Before inflating your balloons, fill them with some candy or other treats. Once inflated, have the kids draw spooky faces on them and put them all in the backyard. When ready, release the kids to run and stomp all the balloons in the backyard to claim the candy inside! It’s a lot of fun and you’ll have a hard time sitting this one out.
4. Halloween Candy Cupcake Decorating
Just in case you didn’t get enough sugar today I’m throwing in this super fun activity. Why? Because 1. It’s super fun. And 2, who doesn’t love cupcakes. Besides, it’s still way less candy then they would get trick or treating and it’s a holiday so calories don’t count. You’re Welcome.
I would bake the cupcakes the night before and then let let the kids do the icing and decorating the next day. Some fun toppings include;
- green, orange, red, black icing (get white and use food coloring
- Halloween sprinkles
- candy eyeballs
- candy corn
- Halloween candy
You get the idea. This will be a deliciously (messy) but super fun activity. Could Halloween at home get any better?
5. Watch scary movies in your P.J.’s
Just when you thought Halloween at home couldn’t get any better it does! After a full day of family fun, unwind with a big bowl of popcorn (don’t forget to add the M&M’s) and watch some scary movies. Pj’s are a must. Now when I say scary movies what I really mean is not scary movies because I can’t actually handle scary movies. But you get the idea. My kids will tell you that EVERY year I make them watch Hocus Pocus with me. It’s my all time FAVORITE Halloween movie and if you haven’t seen it then a. where have you been living and b. you need to go and order it right now.
Here’s a few classic family Halloween movies you might enjoy
- Hocus Pocus (obviously)
- Casper
- The Addams Family
- Beetlejuice
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Monster House
- The Haunted Mansion
- Goosebumps
- Are You Afraid Of The Dark
- Double Double Toil and Trouble
In case you can’t tell I grew up in the 90’s but I promise you, kids will love every movie on this list. If you’re ever wondering if a movie is appropriate you can always visit Focus On The Families, Plugged In Movie Review. It’s a really great resource for movies and tv and our family uses it often!
Alright, if you weren’t excited for Halloween before, you definitely are now. These Tricks & Treats for the best Halloween at home are sure to bring you a fun filled day and a Halloween you’re kids will never forget.
Happy Halloween!
I’ve connected with some amazing Bloggers to share some blogs featuring Halloween At Home. Traditions, ideas, decor, recipes and so much more! Head to each of their blogs to check out what they are sharing.
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Laila – I love these! This sounds way more my speed than small talking with strangers at the door anyways 😂 Such a great list of ideas!
Thanks Amber!! I agree haha!!
I love the mummy dog idea!
These are great! Love the mummy dogs and love making those. Also having a camp fire is a perfect suggestion! I’m thinking of getting together with the neighbors to maybe do some.thing together. We can create some happiness this year.
I do believe that these are the most adorable Halloween food decoration ideas I have seen this year! We do campfires every year. So relaxing and perfect for genuine family time.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays too! Love your puns and great ideas. I’m going to try the balloon stomp at our Halloween get together at the park.
All great suggestions and ideas!
I love these ideas! Thank you for the inspiration.
These are such cute at-home ideas! Thanks for the tips.
This stuff is so cute! I think that my kids will be having a great halloween AT HOME thanks to these ideas.
Wish we could have a campfire cookout it sounds like a lot of fun.. but we live in an apartment & a campfire is a no no, haha. We’ll definitely be playing lots of games and baking cupcakes though! x
We’re staying at home and have little ones so thanks for all the ideas! I’m hoping we can make it really fun for them.
Love your style of writing! It had me cracking up. & also deciding that I need to spend halloween with you 😂😂
These are nice, simple suggestions. Love it.
I love all these ideas! Thanks!
What a fun post! I love the idea of a Halloween cookout at the fire pit!
i love all these ideas and i can not wait to try them with my kids for halloween
Great ideas!! We are undecided what to do this year. Might walk with my brothers, might go to my best friend’s house, or may just stay in and watch a scary movie. My son is only 8 months old so it’ll be a chill year.
These are so fun! I’m definitely going to have to make those mummy dogs for our Halloween party!