What are you hanging on to?
It’s obviously no surprise to you that tomorrow is a new year. A new decade and a fresh start. And while I’m sure you’ve put a lot of thought into what you’re going to eat tonight, what your’re going to wear, and who you’re going to spend it with. I wanted to challenge you today to dig a little deeper. I know I am a little late to the game here but I’ve been reflecting on some things and if you have a minute, I’d love to share a little about it.
What are you hanging on to? This has been playing in my mind over and over again today. While I’m washing dishes. While I’m changing diapers. I just can’t seem to shake it. As I think back over the year I’ve had, and even the years before, I realize that there are some things that I’ve been carrying that are defining me. Some good, some bad, and some that have no business of hanging around still. Like you, this past year has come with so much good. I’ve been able to stay at home with my kids. I’ve spent time with my family and friends building relationships. And I have smashed some serious goals for my blog. But also just like you I’ve had some hurts, some pain, and some regrets. I’ve had friends turn their back on me, I’ve had family disappoint me and I’ve made mistakes and done some things I wish I would have done differently. And while I can’t go back and change things. I can decide if it has enough value to come with me into tomorrow. And the good news is, so do you.
Imagine for a second that you’re going on a trip. What are you packing? Why are you bringing it? And does it add any value to your life? Does it deserve to come with you into a new decade? These are questions only you can answer. Maybe you’ve never even thought about it? Maybe you’re carrying a bag full of things you don’t even realize you have. Only you can search yourself and take a record. Only you can decide if they get to come along for the ride. Tomorrow is a new year. And you can choose to let go and leave behind all the garbage that doesn’t belong. You can choose to finally be free.
Listen, I don’t know everything you’ve been through. And I’m not here to minimize it. I’m just here to say that you don’t have to carry it around anymore. You don’t have to bring it with you. What’s done is done and dragging it around for another year won’t make one bit of difference. Take a minute and say your goodbyes. Make your peace with it and then run free into 2020 and never look back. Pack a bag with all the good you can. Wrap up the lessons you’ve learned, and the struggles that shaped you and made you stronger. And then throw out the trash. It doesn’t belong here and we’ve carried it long enough.
We all have things we’re carrying. Some of it’s ours and some of it belongs to others. But today I challenge you, just as I challenge myself to take an inventory. Tonight while you’re celebrating and eating all the good food, surrounded by all the good wine. Take a minute and search yourself. Decide what’s in your bag. And if it really belongs there. And then say goodbye. As the clock strikes 12 and you ring in the new year leave it behind and get ready for the trip of a lifetime. 2020 is just beginning and I am believing that it’s going to be your best decade yet. If you’re reading this, than it’s not by accident. God has a plan for you and he wants you to take out the trash. Tonight, choose freedom and get excited for all that goes with it! We get to decide what’s in our bag. We get to choose what follows us and we get to decide if we want to step out in faith and believe that we deserve to be free. So pack your bags. I’ll see you on the other side. ♥
Happy New Year,