
Halloween recipes The Good Wives Blog


We LOVE Halloween around here and I created this space in hopes of spreading a little fun and inspiration! There are very few days in the year where we can all bring out our inner kids and Halloween is one of them! We play with our food, get dressed up and be silly, stay up past our bedtimes, watch scary movies and eat lots of JUNK FOOD (Halloween calories don’t count).

Who doesn’t want a day off from adulting?! Overtime I hope to grow this page with lots of tricks, treats, and spokky ideas but for now click on one of the images below and get inspired!

I LOVE charcuterie boards. Halloween is no exception! I mean who said it always has to be cheese? For this board I simply grabbed a few boxes of candy, hit up my local Bulk Barn and dollar store and got inspired! I used a small paint brush and black icing for the marshmallow ghosts, and a permanent marker for the cheese strings. You literally throw it all together on a board and away you go! It’s the perfect way to step it up this Halloween without actually having to do a lot of work (you’re welcome).

This list came to be because of Covid. Halloween had been cancelled in our small town and so I was looking for ways to still make it fun. We may be back to normal now but the fun ideas on this list are going to stick around forever!

Halloween Monster Krispies from the good wives blog  Post Halloween M&M Cookies  Halloween Hamburgers